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[Solved] Invalid charcters instead of the original


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Dear Sir,


Each time I apply new Arabic theme I get invalid char. "??????????" instead of the original one. My blog is running on wordpress. My problem began from 3-5 months earlier and I thought that the problem is caused by me. I tried many times to solve it but not succeed. I asked the support forum of wordpress and I got the answer that it may be from the host and told me that they may not support Arabic language.

So please kindly, Can I find a solution to my problem? I attached a screen-shot to my problem.


Site is: m1.heliohost.org

User name: m1


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I don't think this kind of problem is ever from the host's end. Specifically, what do the Wordpress folks suggest the problem could be?


Thanks very much for replaying. I got the answer to convert encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-8 without BOM and my problem was solved. I apologize for rushing because of bad answer of the person who claimed that the wrong was from the host. I am sorry again.

Can you please delete this post? or lock it.

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