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[Answered] Discrepancy in storage displayed and storage calculated

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I seem to be getting 2 different figures for storage.

Capture3.png shows the "Storage Remaining" displayed in the cPanel.
Capture1.png shows the figures I get after calculating the total storage

Why is there a huge difference? I can't seem to find where the extra storage is coming from. 
Capture2.png shows the total used by Email

Anyone have an idea what's going on?






It's a combination of things. First, it only calculates disk space once a day unless manually refreshed, so if you've updated files or recently did some thing like populated a database, the numbers can be wrong for up to 24 hours. Because somethings like email can change quickly, the chart is only really an estimate.

Second, in your second picture, "Web" includes everything in your home folder. The Trash, composer cache, private folder, etc. all count. That's likely where the missing 100 MB is for your Web value.

I'll take a look at your account a little more closely when I'm at a computer and recalculate your space...


Here's the actual space used in your home folder as seen from the command line:

root@tommy [/home/hostmysiteplease.helioho.st]# du -h --max-depth=1 .
0       ./httpdocs
3.8M    ./logs
4.0K    ./harlemtechnologies.com
232M    ./conarim.com
224M    ./dhamira.co.ke
286M    ./waa.co.ke
139M    ./nilijua.xyz
104K    ./.trash
16K     ./private
12K     ./.composer
884M    .


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