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Hi, I tried to purchase Morty server using the email I used for my Tommy.

It failed half way but PayPal charged my credit card.

Tommy username: puspus

vps118 username: puspusssh (I used this when purchasing Morty)

Same email tho.

Thank you.




$19.00 payment did not send a $24 Morty prepay invite because of existing account puspus.

It failed because you tried to buy a new account when you already have an account on another server. That behavior is by design to prevent you from violating the multiple account policy.

Did you mean to move the existing Tommy account to Morty?


Yes I meant to move from Tommy to Morty.

But I received email from PayPal and credit card company saying the payment went through.

Would you like PayPal transaction number?


No, I can see the payment. If you register for Morty through the new account system (https://heliohost.org/morty/) and already have an account, it will do this. I'll just move you manually and credit the purchase to it :) 

For others reading, to move an existing account you should visit this page: https://heliohost.org/dashboard/move/ and sign in using the account you plan to move.

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