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1. halapp.helioho.st

  • Hosting account username: apil
  • Addon domain name: halapp.helioho.st
  • Folder location: /halapp/

2. lavapp.helioho.st

  • Hosting account username: apil
  • Addon domain name: lavapp.helioho.st
  • Folder location: /lavapp/

3. cotapp.helioho.st

  • Hosting account username: apil
  • Addon domain name: cotapp.helioho.st
  • Folder location: /cotapp/

I've added those for you. Please note that it may take up to 2 hours for them to fully work. If after a full 2 hours they don't work on your side, please make sure you clear your web browser cache: https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/clear-your-cacheΒ 

As explained in our Wiki here, theΒ folders for the addon domains will be located in your home folder with a name that matches the domains you requested, so the folder name will be 'halapp.helioho.st', etc. This should work fine for most use cases but if your specific software requires something else, please let us know and we can look into it further.Β 

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