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Hi my username is radodimitrov13 and I would like to create a new domain called school-administration.helioho.st or just change the domain I already have - radodimitrov13.helioho.st, whatever is okay with you. I'm not going to be using the one I already have so maybe change it instead. Thank you!


Since you said you wouldn't be using the `radodimitrov13` domain anymore, I've removed it from your account. Each domain slows down the Apache restart times on the server a little bit, so if a domain won't be used, it's best to remove it from the account. However later on if you want to add it back (if still available), or you want another domain you'll be using, please let us know. We allow up to 10 domains on an account. 🙂 

I've changed the domain on your account for you. Please note that it may take up to 2 hours for your new domain to fully work. If after a full 2 hours it doesn't work on your side, please make sure you clear your web browser cache: https://wiki.helionet.org/misc/clear-your-cache

There is a risk of data loss when main domains are changed, so I made a full backup for you before I made the changes. If you discover you need any files from the old `radodimitrov13` domain, you can download the backup here: https://heliohost.org/backup
If you're not sure how to extract the backup files, please follow our how-to guide here: https://wiki.helionet.org/tutorials/plesk/account-backups

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