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I have problem with sending an email from heliohost mail to gmail it gets rejected. I have SPF and DKIM set up. Any ideas how to solve this?


Message I get from undelivered mail:

host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]
    said: 550-5.7.1 [      19] Gmail has detected that this
    message is likely 550-5.7.1 suspicious due to the very low reputation of
    the sending domain. To 550-5.7.1 best protect our users from spam, the
    message has been blocked.


Ugh. If the content you sent was something meaningful (and not a test message, spam, etc.), I'd bet someone sent spam from our servers again and got heliohost.us blocked.

If it doesn't clear up on its own, the fastest solution is to get a domain elsewhere and have us add it to your account. I've asked about it in a staff channel, but there usually isn't really much we can do about this one except wait for it to improve. 



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