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I get "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" message. I deleted the cookies of Chrome.

I attache the settings of servidores DNS at Hostinger and the DNS settings of Cloudflare.

What can be the problem?

my username is zsolt112873


Képernyőfotó 2024-09-02 - 8.13.17.png

Képernyőfotó 2024-09-02 - 8.12.42.png


Too many redirects is usually caused by broken software. WordPress, for example, requires the domain be set in its configuration, and it can cause this if it's incorrectly set.

i've also seen it happen because of missing SSL certificates.

5 órával ezelőtt a wolstech azt mondta:

A túl sok átirányítást általában hibás szoftver okozza. A WordPress például megköveteli a domain beállítását a konfigurációjában, és ezt okozhatja, ha helytelenül van beállítva.

én is láttam ezt a hiányzó SSL tanúsítványok miatt.


5 órával ezelőtt a wolstech azt mondta:

A túl sok átirányítást általában hibás szoftver okozza. A WordPress például megköveteli a domain beállítását a konfigurációjában, és ezt okozhatja, ha helytelenül van beállítva.

én is láttam ezt a hiányzó SSL tanúsítványok miatt.

Before we set up my own domain address, it worked fine with Hostalia's subdomain. Hostalia changed the domain name in the wordpress database.



I just looked at your account, WP settings look correct, so I have a feeling this is related to Cloudflare. Can you try turning off the proxy option on Cloudflare (set it to DNS only) so we can eliminate any issues there?

Odds are its stuck in a loop because there's no TLS certificate installed on your account, and the server cannot get one because of the loop.


Full is just as secure in that the connection is encrypted, but unlike "strict", it doesn't verify the origin's identity. Using regular Full mode allows CF to make encrypted connections to origins that use self-signed certificates (which Plesk uses by default) or invalid certificates (which yours is, common name doesn't match the domain name).

The ability to reach your site when the certificate is invalid or self-signed is a requirement for Plesk to successfully obtain valid certificates, as Lets Encrypt requires Domain Verification, which fails if CF is blocking the site due to strict mode.

Strict is not recommended as a result (it may work once you have the initial certificate installed, but renewals may give trouble, and any server maintenance that results in the cert being removed will knock your site offline).

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