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So, Lily is...weird. It runs Windows Server 2016, and has no control panel. It does not run Plesk or anything else, all you get is FTP. Some options can be controlled via web.config, but I have to configure many things for you. Eventually Lily is going to be rebuilt to run plesk like the other boxes, but we don't know when that will happen as getting Morty out the door has a priority.

Lily requires you have a Plesk account already on Johnny or Tommy, and sort of acts like an extension to a Plesk account. It lacks things such as a mail server so it depends on the Plesk account for those functions. However, Plesk can't actually control Lily, so you can't use Plesk to manage files or the like.

As of now, Lily supports:

  • .NET 4.7 - 6.0
  • PHP 5.6 - 8.0
  • MariaDB
  • SQL Server Express

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I have a working classic asp project and I am looking for a new home for him. It needs all that an asp website requires (ASP.net, SMTP email, Pool IIS, Plesk, ecc...).

Any alternative to Lily?


No. Lily is the only windows server we have, everything else runs Linux for cost and compatibility reasons.

Lily has a classic asp website on it already so it is supported, it’s just not user maintainable. This site is classic ASP running on lily. http://claudemifsud2.heliohost.org/ (he has a proper domain for that site as well, but I don’t remember what it is on top of my head and can’t look it up since I’m on mobile).

Other than an inability to send email through localhost (you have to use Johnny’s SMTP to send email instead), the application should run but I would need to install it for you.

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