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Account problem

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Could you please check the correctness of my mcstar1982 account configuration? I can log in to the Plesk panel, but the sites don't work. There's nothing in the file manager, and I'm also blocked from adding files or creating new directories. I have an additional domain h1.cybergenbius.pl configured on my account - this one doesn't work either. Losing files or data is not a problem for me, but I'd like the hosting to simply start working again 🙂

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There were multiple issues with your account:

  • For the mcstar1982.helioho.st domain, you had deleted the httpdocs folder...I recreated that for you.
  • For h1.cybergenius.pl, it isn't working for multiple reasons:
    • The A record in DNS is incorrect on your end. Tommy changed IP addresses due to a DDoS attack.
    • You deleted the h1.cybergenius.pl folder (which was its document root)
    • The document root specification was incorrect in Plesk (it was set to h1.cybergenius.pl/public, which I can guarantee was because you probably tried the Laravel toolkit at some point...we actually dropped that feature yesterday afternoon because of this).

Please update DNS for h1.cybergenius.pl to reflect the IP addresses shown in Plesk.

After fixing DNS, wait 2 hours and these should work again. :) 

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