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Why I still can't access my webpage


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From my question here ( https://helionet.org/index/topic/61727-johnny-has-been-rebuilt/?do=findComment&comment=275563 ), from photos uploaded by Krydos,

 I see you (Krydos) using https and it works, 
but when I use https, it gives me this warning, and if I click proceed to unsafe (https), it will direct me to plesk default page

I'm using the latest updated Chrome on Android

I feel something odd here



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Fixed. The ipv6 was not assigned to the domain, so any connections coming in over IPv6 would've seen the default webpage instead of the content. I also issued the SSL certificate for man95.heliohost.us.

Give it 2 hours to finish setting up and you should be good.

Please note that I could not issue an SSL certificate for your alias domain. Unfortunately, this is a known issue with freedns/afraid.org's domains. Let's encrypt considers them all subdomains of theirs to be one domain, and Afraid/freedns does not have a special rate limit increase, so rate limiting often prevents certificates from being issued for these domains.

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