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I would like you to provide SOC features, which is the ability to modify DNS settings, intended to add or delete domains.
I also want to add the following domain: woman-talking.org
Or change the actual domain from woman-talking.com to woman-talking.org

We hope that the basic functionality will be performed as required as quickly as possible.

the user:


DomainĀ  changed. Please make sure you set the domain's name servers to ns1.heliohost.org and ns2.heliohost.org, or if using external DNS, create A and AAAA records pointed to the IP addresses shown in Plesk. It may take up to 2 hours for the domain to work once DNS is configured.

As for adding domains yourself, as MoneyBroz said above, it's a feature in development, and it's still quite far down on the list. We are currently prioritizing internal upgrades to our admin and abuse prevention systems as well as the construction of our new Morty server offering for development. There is no ETA on when self-service domain management will be available as a result.

For DNS, you are welcome to use an external DNS provider such as Cloudflare with our service (CF specifically is a recommended configuration as it can help with load management as well as provide DNS service, though most DNS providers should work). While you won't be able to add a domain to Plesk yourself, using an external DNS provider will give you the ability to control DNS.

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