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I am having a problem with my SSL/TLS Certificate for videowerks.helioho.st, the site has been up for a couple of days but is still unsecured.  On the control panel it says issues will be resolved automatically,  is there a problem or am I being impatient?




I can't get into Plesk to look at this at the moment due to the server being too slow. We'll take a look at this later once performance improves.


Fixed. it was because you had the option for wildcard certificate enabled (we don't support wildcard certificates at the moment due to lack of DNS integration). I turned that option off and reissued it...it succeeded.

It may take up to 2 hours for the new cert to take effect.


Also just a heads up that your account's contact email looks like its set to an address hosted on the account. We don't recommend doing this as you won't be able to receive things like password resets or various service notices this way (if you forgot your password, you won't be able to check the email to get the reset link...).

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