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According to https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=Hola%2C mi nombre de usuario es nsantioe y quiero agregar el dominio gomasargentinas.com.ar a mi cuenta de heliohost. Gracias&op=translate you said


Hello, my username is nsantioe and I want to add the domain gomasargentinas.com.ar to my heliohost account. Thank you

If that translation is inaccurate please translate it to English yourself.


The domain gomasargentinas.com.ar has been added. It looks like you're using Cloudflare so make sure you create an A record pointed to to host the domain on your HelioHost account.

1 hour ago, Krydos said:

Se agregó el dominio gomasargentinas.com.ar. Parece que está utilizando Cloudflare, así que asegúrese de crear un registro A que apunte a para alojar el dominio en su cuenta de HelioHost.

Many thanks!! I will be watching

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