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Username: frt, sub domain: fr.heliohost.org


I made a donation of $2 on 2 Nov 2022 for the moving to Plesk. The email
address used for paypal payment is frt21@yahoo.com, but my registered email
address is fbmw@bk.ru. Please check the payment.

Thank you


It looks like you created an account with that email address on 2019-02-17 and the last time you logged in was 2020-12-07 so it's been archived for about 2 years. You can download your backup from that account if you want at https://heliohost.org/backup/ Archived account can't be transferred directly to Plesk. Instead you have to create a new account and restore your backup yourself.

It looks like you already created a new account with the yahoo.com email address so you should be good to go. If you'd rather use the bk.ru email address you can change it yourself by logging in to Plesk and clicking your username dropdown in the top right corner of the screen. Let us know if you need help with anything else.


Username: frt, sub domain: fr.heliohost.org


I made a donation of $2 for the moving to Plesk. The email
address used for paypal payment is frt21@yahoo.com, but my registered email
address on heliohost.org is fbmw@bk.ru. Please check the payment


Receipt for Your Payment to Helio Networks
  • 50x50_paypal.png
    ToFebian Rachman
    Nov 2 at 2:42 AM
    Hello, Febian Rachman
    You sent a payment of $2.00 USD to Helio Networks (admin@heliohost.org)
    It may take a few moments for this transaction to appear in your account.
    Transaction ID                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Transaction date                           
    Merchant                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Instructions to merchant                   
    Helio Networks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  You haven't entered any instructions.     
    Plesk transfer donation  $2.00 USD    1    $2.00 USD 
    Subtotal                                                                  $2.00 USD 
    Total                                                                    $2.00 USD 
    Payment                                                                  $2.00 USD 
    Charge will appear on your credit card statement as "PAYPAL *HELIOHOST"             
    Payment sent to admin@heliohost.org                                                 
    Funding Sources Used (Total)             
    Visa x-7904                    $2.00 USD 
    Issues with this transaction?
    You have 180 days from the date of the transaction to open a dispute in the Resolution Center.

Merging duplicate requests.

@fbmw@bk.ru Have you read my reply?

8 hours ago, Krydos said:

It looks like you created an account with that email address on 2019-02-17 and the last time you logged in was 2020-12-07 so it's been archived for about 2 years. You can download your backup from that account if you want at https://heliohost.org/backup/ Archived account can't be transferred directly to Plesk. Instead you have to create a new account and restore your backup yourself.

It looks like you already created a new account with the yahoo.com email address so you should be good to go. If you'd rather use the bk.ru email address you can change it yourself by logging in to Plesk and clicking your username dropdown in the top right corner of the screen. Let us know if you need help with anything else.



Oh, actually I found another account. It looks like fr, frt, and the archived account vq that I mentioned above are yours. Anyways, our terms of service state that each person is allowed to have 1 account. Would you like me to delete fr, and move frt to Plesk instead or would you rather just keep fr since you already created it?

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