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Dear HelioHost Team,

Yesterday I have donated US$1 for HH's Plesk migration process. Nevertheless, when I contributed through PayPal platform, it seems that I have mishandled my email address: if I access ETA Plesk page, it says that my email (the one I used for the donation) is not linked to any account and my original profile ceomega shows up with no donation instead (I mean this username, created for both Hosting and Forum, in which I'm writing this post).

I don't know precisely if I associated my profile (the one for HelioHost Hosting) with the mentioned email when I created my account or simply my profile lacks it. Hence, I would like to know if it could be possible to link this email to HelioHost username ceomega in order to solve this kind of issue and keep active the donation.

Thanks in advance.


ceomega (on HelioHost & HelioNet)

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