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I see that my account was hosted on Ricky and I'd like it to be moved to Tommy. I have made a donation: 


Txn ID: 9FA10641769674019


Would it be possible to get all of my data back on Tommy? Is there anything that I need to do from Cloudflare to make it work the way it was working before?







You'll need to remove Cloudflare entirely, get the account working with our name servers, then set CF up again and let it copy the working zone data. As a reminder, we don't recommend CF because of the many problems that it is known to cause with our services, and cannot provide support for domains that are using CF because we are unable to see the DNS records.


Also, please keep in mind that our terms of service do not allow hacking activity/tools/scripts of any kind (legal or not). Accounts that engage in such are subject to a permanent ban without refund. You can host blogs here discussing it and such, but actual exploits and tools are not welcome.


That said, since you donated, I've moved you to Tommy and am going to give you 24 hours to clean all of the hacking tools out of your account. Specifically, I want the folders below removed, and confirmation that this material will not be hosted here in the future:

root@tommy [/home/hkr0x0a/www]# ls -la
total 104
drwxrwxr-x. 12 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a   263 Jun 12  2020 New directory <--**Delete entire folder**
drwxr-x---.  8 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a   252 Mar 14  2020 pandaonair.com <--(Remove the "tools" folder inside, rest can stay) 
drwxrwxr-x.  2 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a    38 May  8 15:28 pocs <--**Delete entire folder**
drwxrwxr-x.  3 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a    18 Jul 21  2020 synack <--**Delete entire folder**
drwxr-xr-x.  2 hkr0x0a hkr0x0a   236 May  8 15:28 yahoo <--**Delete entire folder**

Please clean up the above and let me know when it's done.


Thank you for the donation :)

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