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[Solved] Suspended: oasisbr

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Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server.


If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic, you might want to consider purchasing a VPS instead. VPS hosting gives you an entire virtual server to yourself, including no load limits, a dedicated IP address, and full root access.

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Obrigado, vou verificar a situação da alta carga, o serviço é de jogo, por isso a alta demanda de dados, vou estar acompanhando esses dados.

Att. Geovani


Translated with https://translate.google.com/#view=home&op=translate&sl=auto&tl=en&text=Obrigado%2C%20vou%20verificar%20a%20situa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20da%20alta%20carga%2C%20o%20servi%C3%A7o%20%C3%A9%20de%20jogo%2C%20por%20isso%20a%20alta%20demanda%20de%20dados%2C%20vou%20estar%20acompanhando%20esses%20dados.%0A%0AAtt.%20Geovani


Thanks, I will check the situation of the high load, the service is game, so the high demand for data, I will be monitoring this data.
Att. Geovani
Edited by Krydos
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