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[Inactive] Server Lag


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Uhm, forgive me if this has been mentioned previously but I was in discord and it was recommended that I submit this issue here in support.  It is Central Standard Time here for me and it seem I have lag issues (usually in the browser when moving about within a site I am building and testing or even refreshing a current page) but tonight when I was attempting to upload a small php script I kept recieving a timeout notice from my chosen sftp client claiming the server might be down. It seems to be happening around 1030pm my time and lasts off and on until midnight or 1 am granted at this point I do get tired of waiting and usually go to bed...and when I wake up there are no latency issues with connecting or uploading. 


the advice and guidance I was given was to submit this to see if there was any server issues or even maintenance taking place during that time frame that might be affecting this...oh i am on tommy server.

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This is fairly common on Johnny, the server that you picked. We call Johnny our experimental server, which means that he is only suitable for experimenting. Once you're done experimenting on your site and want better uptime and speed we recommend switching a production server like Tommy. Ricky also has good uptime, but is quite a bit slower than Tommy.

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