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[Solved] Account Suspended


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Sounds like either load or a (hopefully not) phishing attempt.


Lets see what a root admin has to say.



Btw, what software where you running?

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It was suspended for suspicious activity because we have reason to believe it was going to be used for phishing.


Having a domain that contains the name of an online payment company and originating from Nigeria (one of two countries responsible for 99% of all phishing we see) also don't help...


@pooks: it's empty.

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It's not against the rules to be Nigerian and use our services, however it is against the rules to phish (or even to prepare to phish). Can you explain why your domain contains the name of an online payment company? That's not exactly a domain one would use for a politics site...


Unfortunately, the amount of abuse we see means we're quite strict when it comes to policing for phishing sites. Countries like Nigeria are well known for cybercrime and phishing operations, and while you personally may not be planning to do such things, the bad apples tend to spoil it for everyone else.

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