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I just received the invitation to Tommy, clicked on the link included in the email but when I chose a server it seems that Tommy is still closed and other servers are full.


Your not given a server choice when you get an invite for Tommy. Are you sure you clicked on the right link? 


What was your old Tommy account?


I was first taken to the page where I have options to choose "production server", "testing server" .. etc. Testing server was already checked so I just clicked the button compare. Was then taken to the page where I get to choose the server. On the server selection page, both Ricky and Johnny are full and the option for Tommy is closed and that's it :)

My previous account login was godgrid


He must have, an expired invite would say it's expired, and a working one wouldn't ask.


Tommy is not currently accepting free signups through the website.


The email I received was an invitation for the Tommy server, it was both in the subject of the email and in the email itself. I clicked on the link included in the email and was taken to email validation, was given the username cryogrid. After clicking the validation, was taken to the page that I mentioned on my previous reply.


Let me know what your old domain name was and I'll make sure it's removed from the dns cluster and I'll send you another invite.


Domain name was cryozombie.cf and yes, my username for cpanel before was grundig. I've just reset my nameservers at freenom, they're pointing to freenom nameservers right now.


Could another Admin. Take care of this for me? I’m not able to get on my pc today. He was on Tommy before the crash.

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