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[Solved] Suspended: benefice

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Username benefice




"", replacing hh_username with your HelioHost username

2) In your post, include the following information:

a. your HelioHost username

b. the server your account is on

c. your HelioHost main domain

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This account is suspended for spam. Specifically, the domains deliverer.xyz and deliverer-online.info were running abusive "safe list" scripts (which besides being horrible for a site's reputation and effectively ruin any chance of it being listed on a search engine, these are also basically glorified spambots). The content of these two domains, as well as the emails sent by them, are both against our TOS.


You also need to empty the mailboxes for nigelbarksfield.co.uk because it's full of spam emails, some of which appear to have been sent by the abusive domains above.


If you didn't create these domains, someone hacked your account, in which case you should change your password. 


I've disabled the domains in question and unsuspended you. Please remove the abusive domains and all of their contents immediately.

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