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You register and wait for the confirmation email within 24 hours.

Click to activate before you can use your account.

There're guidelines to tell you what you supposed to do when you register.

You register and wait for the confirmation email within 24 hours.

Click to activate before you can use your account.

There're guidelines to tell you what you supposed to do when you register.


Thats about right, but once you get your conf. email and activate you

may still have to wait upto 24 hours to access your site/ftp/cpanel.


If you don't know what to do from here, I suggest you learn HTML. Then you can make an HTML page and upload it to your site using FTP. If you know CSS, you can make it prettier. If you know Javascript, you can make it interactive. And if you know PHP/ASP.NET (C#/VB)/Ruby/Python/Perl/Java you can make it dynamic and take input from forms and stuff.


You broke the Etiquette Guide by typing in all caps (apparently the giant bold text above isn't visible enough for you?) And apparently bold, red text telling you this forum is NOT for HelioHost support did not catch your attention either. Please follow our rules.


Moving to correct forum...

If you don't know what to do from here, I suggest you learn HTML. Then you can make an HTML page and upload it to your site using FTP. If you know CSS, you can make it prettier. If you know Javascript, you can make it interactive. And if you know PHP/ASP.NET (C#/VB)/Ruby/Python/Perl/Java you can make it dynamic and take input from forms and stuff.


You broke the Etiquette Guide by typing in all caps (apparently the giant bold text above isn't visible enough for you?) And apparently bold, red text telling you this forum is NOT for HelioHost support did not catch your attention either. Please follow our rules.


Moving to correct forum...

I swear, you enjoy pwning n00bs.

This is the nth one who's ignored most of our rules and warnings, I think we should put the big red text on its own page and have the sign up page redirect to that before creating the account, kind of like the Terms of Use, except really blatantly obvious.


Well... everyone who broke the rules should be warned with a proper way.

But most of them are like blinded.... or they lazy to read the rules before they signed up.

I would suggest a process where they will require to pass through a few pages containing all the rules before they signed up.


I suggest a process where they are required to write a paragraph about cats, at least 6 sentences, all at least 8 words long. Proper punctuation and capitalization is a must. If they pass (with a 95% or better) then they are allowed to view the signup page.


Obviously this would be a pain, since it would require each account to be individually accepted.


That would treat them like kindergarten.

I don't think people would like Helio since then.


I think Trippin was joking, and I dont think that a page, or multiple pages of rules before the account creation would be all that effective. How many people, everyone here included, can actually say they read everything presented to them before accepting something, signing up for something, or clicking 'play'? I know I certainly dont read everything usually just the first few lines to see if its the same as everything else Ive ever read in a EULA.


Just my opinion.

I think Trippin was joking, and I dont think that a page, or multiple pages of rules before the account creation would be all that effective. How many people, everyone here included, can actually say they read everything presented to them before accepting something, signing up for something, or clicking 'play'? I know I certainly dont read everything usually just the first few lines to see if its the same as everything else Ive ever read in a EULA.


Just my opinion.

Yeah that's quite true. But all I want to do is put the big red text on its own page, and before you confirm your account, you are somehow forced to read it, i.e. redirected to a page with only that.


It's one line of EULA :P


Redirecting doesn't really works... since that I always use tab in FF.

Whenever I submitted a form, I'll jump to another tab and return to the tab after 10 seconds.

Redirecting doesn't really works... since that I always use tab in FF.

Whenever I submitted a form, I'll jump to another tab and return to the tab after 10 seconds.

Well, the page wouldn't continue until the user hits the "I agree" button below the big red text.

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