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And who cares how much effort it takes since you are too lazy to do anything useful!

All you had to do was re-register.

You know what djbob I am not a spammer and










'F' me hard, spammer.


This almost makes me want to be a mod--getting to deal with morons like this. Then again that's the exact reason that I would hate to be a mod, too...looks like no mod-desires from me.


Also, after being here for a few months, it's obvious that this site is different/better than other hosting sites. I remember before I found this I tried places like gigacities or something, and frihost, I think, and a few others. All of them ended up dissapointing me in some way.



As far as responding to that quote, kyougi, I give you the perfect response award.

This almost makes me want to be a mod--getting to deal with morons like this. Then again that's the exact reason that I would hate to be a mod, too...


So very true, although I think he/she/it is the first really rude person Ive seen on the boards in the short couple months Ive been here.


@Kyougi: Props for even dignifying that with a response.


I'd just like to say I personally am grateful djbob offers this service to us. And the site doesn't suck, since it works for the rest of us!


Trippin speaks the truth!


@djbob: From everything Ive seen you work hard to keep this place running right! Keep up the good work and thanks!

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