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[Solved] Suspended: user848


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Your account was suspended for causing high server load. I have unsuspended your account, but please try to limit the load you put on our servers as it slows down not only your site, but the sites of all other HelioHost users sharing your server.


If you still see the suspended page, please clear your cache.


If you need help figuring out why your site is causing such high load let us know and we can try to help. If the high load is simply because your site is getting a lot of traffic you might consider trying paid hosting from our partner starting at only a cent for the first month. https://www.heliohost.org/partners/hostgator

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We don't make browsers do that, they just do. Cloudflare makes it even worse since it can cache it too and keep serving it after the site is unsuspended. We have all the "don't cache this" headers there are set on it, yet a lot of browsers still cache it anyway thinking they are being helpful.


Whatever you're running is just too heavy. Cloudflare won't fix heavy scripts either since dynamic content can't be cached. CF really only helps with the static components of your website (graphics, style sheets, etc.)

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after caching a dynamic page it becomes static


mb you don't know how Cloudflare works, you could test Cache Everything option for Cache Level yourself


for the first time when some user opens wordpress page, yes, it's dynamically created and loads content from database but when this user or another user tries to load this page later then he gets the static page from Cloudflare

Edited by usr8481
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 Cloudflare makes it even worse since it can cache it too and keep serving it after the site is unsuspended. We have all the "don't cache this" headers there are set on it, yet a lot of browsers still cache it anyway thinking they are being


in such cases would be great if you could notify me and others about account suspending 

you didn't do it and just closed the account


browser cache ttl on Cloudflare is set to 1 month...


now some my old visitors will see suspended page for a month until they figure out to clear their browser cache

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you can test any page from wordpress site

for the first time the page is going to be loaded quite slow (because it tries to reach local database on the hosting and other content from hosting disk) if it wasn't loaded by any user before within the month

if you open it later again it's going to be loaded much faster 

you could even try Incognito mode of your browser or other browser to make sure that it's not just about browser cache ttl, but Edge Cache TTL (whole page is loaded from Cloudflare server if you have Cache Level - Cache Everything)

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We never notify prior to suspension except for inactivity. This is intentional, because a large number of our suspensions are for criminal activity (usually phishing), and notifying before suspension would let them retrieve their stolen data. I agree that an email AFTER a suspension might be a good idea, I'll float that in the moderator boards.


Wordpress is notorious for causing high load suspensions here. We often recommend not using it due to its well known security issues, but load is another great reason to avoid it. Also, you're correct in that CF does cache the dynamic pages, but it still queries our server to see if new ones are available every so often. Accessing a php page triggers the script to run, even in cases where the body of the page isn't needed (e.g. HEAD request), which lets to the load being generated.


I've used CF myself for a few sites, and have personally observed it accessing our server when I refresh, even with "cache everything".

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