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[Solved] Susppendet for no reason. Please read this.

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My account is suspended for no reason. I just have a tamplate there installed (wordpress) and a exe (installation created with winrar) for some testing. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Ita don't sayi can't store exe files on the host. Iti nothing illegal its just for learning and testing. Tnx

I donate too.

My account name is: acstudio.

Email: andrei0i1993@gmail.com






I have it like one year.

I do no harm to no one

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This account has a compromised WordPress installation that has been affected by the recent AnonymousFox hack and cannot be unsuspended.


An invitation will be sent to you shortly so you can create a new account. Please restore your data using a backup. The data from your old account cannot be recovered or returned to you due to the possibility of the account having been used for Phishing.


As a reminder, we highly recommend that users not use WordPress. WP and it's extensions are notorious for having security issues such as the one you (and everyone else on Tommy) experienced, and it has the worst security track record of any CMS out there. Using a different program will help prevent this from happening again.

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