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[Solved] Suspended: ls

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This account has a compromised WordPress installation that has been affected by the recent AnonymousFox hack and cannot be unsuspended.


An invitation will be sent to you shortly so you can create a new account.


As a reminder, we highly recommend that users not use WordPress. WP and it's extensions are notorious for having security issues such as the one you (and everyone else on Tommy) experienced, and it has the worst security track record of any CMS out there. Using a different program will help prevent this from happening again.

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Thanks, I have received the Tommy invitation and registered a new account with the following credentials:


Adress: lslab*heliohost*org (this is the same URL of the previuous account, which was suspended)


but if I go to https://www.heliohost.org/status/?u=lslab the system tell me that there is not an account with this username...could you please check if the system saved another username, please?


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