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Java session management


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It seems that session management for Java servlets does not work consistently.


It works for simple JSP pages in public_html:




however, when the JSP page is part of a .war deployed application, it does not seem to work:




(which runs index.jsp)


Both JSP pages contain this code:


        out.print("Test: ");
        String test = (String) session.getAttribute("some");
        if (test != null) {
            out.println("from session: " + test + "<br>");
        session.setAttribute("some", "A thing");


Any help is appreciated.


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Sessions are known to not work correctly in wars. If you dig through the history here on the forums, it’s been asked before. I believe only one person has ever gotten them to work reliably in a war file...I’d try to find it for you but I’m on mobile.

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