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[Solved] Suspended : ziad87

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Okay, I am sorry. Either proxies are not allowed or I caused high load. Most probably the second one as I don't see anything regarding such proxies.

If it is the case of high load, I will create a subdomain CNAME record and host the proxy portion somewhere else. (it only needs PHP)




EDIT: Yeah, makes sense...



Because HelioHost is a free webhost, we have many accounts on our servers. If one account is using too many resources it slows down the server for everyone. Therefore, we are careful to suspend any account that is using more than its fair share of CPU cycles and memory. Note that more often than not, a HelioHost account's overuse is caused by running cron scripts too often. Other causes include running resource-intensive scripts, such as proxy software.

Please PM me a copy of the /home/ziad87/public_html/proxies folder as a ZIP.

Then please delete it, and unsuspend me.  -_-


I really really hope I didnt just cause major downtime  :o 

Either that, or I'm IP blocked.

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