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  • 3 weeks later...

i prefer gmail but i cant seem to make an account .... so if u can not get gmail then just get gawab or yahoo

cuz they are da most email storage and space providers....


well most of the poeple use hotmail cuz it also has a good messenger i.e msn messenger





and by the way no one really cares abt email storage .. all that u need is a good service


just think yourselves do u need 250 mb, 1/2 gb space ... No, mostly


i use hotmail becuase of the chatting system and i get 250 mb and 250 mb is enough for me.


can anyone help me out how to open a bluebottle account in outlook express




it gives email address , POP3 tooo


i got how to open it in internet explorer .. but how do i open it in outlook express


can anyone help me out how to open a bluebottle account in outlook express




it gives email address , POP3 tooo


i got how to open it in internet explorer .. but how do i open it in outlook express


i had a bluebottle email account, but I cud not seem to use their pop3 mail service


pop3 allows u to use a software like Outlook Express / Microsoft Outlook, cool huh?

  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone know how to increase the mail storage of msn?


I only have 2mb and my friend got something about 250mb.


Plus, msn is better because you can chat also and msn is the most popular in chatting.


I know. I put the UK address there and the country etc. But still it was 2mb.


I dont know why it is not working. So I guess ill only use it for chatting and the emailing and stuff I will use gawab or yahoo.

  • 5 months later...

i just found out why it was happenning .. it was because I had to change it to the UK Postal code as well then it would first become 25mb and then after a while become 250 mb!!!!

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