JcX Posted May 30, 2008 Posted May 30, 2008 I think atheists are people who are against religion and reject the existence of a god. Come on!! I don't need a god or a religion to guide me. I'm not a christian or a muslim or a hindu or whatever, but that doesn't mean I'm without moral principles. I like these 2 sentences.. First, i think you had a great point about definition of atheist, but I'm not so agree with it. In my context, atheist is someone that have his own believal others than religion. E.g. I believe in science and facts, rather than myths or legends. And most of the while, people who are atheist have better inspection, justification and mindset. Because they know how to differentiate between realistic and fantasy. (my point of view, doesn't mean that believing in God will make you lost your mind. Like what zippo said, "If people find some comfort in religion, and in the belief of god, that's ok" Secondly, as zippo said, religion only stands as a guidance for those who lost. But for someone who is mentally strong, I don't feel that we need any religion, or in other words to me, science would be my religion. Cheers! Quote
zippo Posted June 1, 2008 Posted June 1, 2008 Well basically I agree with JCX, that it's possible to live without religion, especially if you're mentally strong enough. But I'm a bit frightened by his statement that science would be his religion. In my view science alone cannot be a religion. And science without moral values cannot be used as a guiding line for a human society. In the past, unfortunately there have been some painfull experiences of science taking over power. One example ; the destruction of socalled "inferior" human races and handicapped people during WWII by the nazis, because of a wrong interpretation of the evolutionary theories. One must bear in mind that science can do a lot of good to the human society, but it can also be very dangerous, if manipulated by unscrupulous politicians and industrials in their quest of power and money. Regards, zippo Quote
JcX Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Hmmmm... perhaps I should make my definition of religion clear. In the eyes of the many, religion would refer to "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs." Adapted from Dictionary.com Or "A religion is a set of beliefs and practices, often centered upon specific supernatural and moral claims about reality, the cosmos, and human nature, and often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction." Adapted from Wikipedia.org OR "A set of beliefs and hold people with different background, status together, promised that they have the same mindset, thinking and passion towards the same thing. Religion doesn't necessary instill your mind with a lots of moral value that teaches you on how to become a noble man, how to bring grace to the world, differentiate between boon and bane. Religion is just simply a set of beliefs for you to hold on, doesn't necessary has to follow everything it teaches, religion should adapt to us, not we adapt to religion." Adapted from JcX.com See which one you prefer more? That's why I said science is my religion. I believe in it, I hold tight to it. Quote
Doctor Steel Posted June 2, 2008 Posted June 2, 2008 Nature is my church. (Anybody seen that bumper sticker?) I believe that, regardless of which religion you ascribe to (or none at all), you are indeed the sole worshiper of your own religion. For example, if you are a Christian, but also have things (ie family, friends) who are very important to you, do you not also somewhat regard those things as god(s)? Same goes for science being a religion all by itself (so long as you don't get it confused with Scientology). Scientists who really love what they do may indeed regard their science as (a) god. I don't believe in a 'god', just our own wants, needs, and energies summarized into a 'supreme being' that we see as able to do everything that we, ourselves, cannot. One thing is for sure, though: we will never reach the end of this discussion. Quote
JcX Posted June 3, 2008 Posted June 3, 2008 Yea, this discussion will never really come to a fullstop. As what Doctor Steel said, god is actually just your own consciousness. I agree with him, because I believe, if we human can control over the remaining 90% of our brain, we basically can do whatever we think that God can do. Or speaking out of the active neurons in our brain, just solely limited to our consciousness, didn't you realise that everything goes smoother if we believe it could happen? Our consciousness actually controlling many things around us, if you have enough faith on it, the possibilities of the event to occur is even higher. A good example, ancient people believes that only God and Goddess have the abilities to fly. They don't think that we human can fly. but Wright brothers believe in the other, they believe that a piece of metal junk could bring us up in the sky. They BELIEVE it could happen, and they put their best on that. And so...... today we have planes. Quote
Sungazer Posted June 4, 2008 Posted June 4, 2008 A good example, ancient people believes that only God and Goddess have the abilities to fly. They don't think that we human can fly. but Wright brothers believe in the other, they believe that a piece of metal junk could bring us up in the sky. They BELIEVE it could happen, and they put their best on that. And so...... today we have planes. they believed that we couldnt fly yes, but they had no real concept of machinary. the wright bro's did get us in the air but using out side influence, machines. if we truly want to fly like a god it would be through our own will power with no outside influence, just our big 'ole brain. Quote
TroJan-X Posted June 4, 2008 Posted June 4, 2008 just don't go trying that by jumping off cliffs and thinking real hard cause that would be bad... Quote
JcX Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 they believed that we couldnt fly yes, but they had no real concept of machinary. the wright bro's did get us in the air but using out side influence, machines. if we truly want to fly like a god it would be through our own will power with no outside influence, just our big 'ole brain. Well, that might happen. I bet everybody watched X-Men here. In the first episode, the professor explained about the theory of evolution, how people mutated into mutants with special ability. That could happened in real life though, based the on evolution theory stated. But I believe the theory explain in Fantastic Four, when human exposed in irregular radiation, or perhaps cosmic radiation, suddenly change in hormone or chromosome might bring us some suprises! Maybe we can fly then, who knows!! Quote
phoexer Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 Okay, this topic just took a turn to the bizarre. しょうがない の i guess. Flying without outside influence, just brain power? Maybe, but i think that before we can get to that state of thinking we should be open minded enough without the prejudeces(is that correct spelling?) built into us by society, culture, religion you name it. Even if, as my buddy JcX, said there's some serious irregular radiation, or perhaps cosmic radiation i dont think we'd be able to fly unless we are in the right frame of mind. Its no use having power if you dont believe you can use it. Did i make sense? Quote
suiren Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 I would have to say that I don't particularly give two cents worth of attention to religion since all it has ever provoked was nothing more than bloodshed and grief for centuries and even today we're not free of the bloody past in the name of god or gods. Take a look at the current political climes of the American presidency for the past 10 years or so. Wasn't the whole point of the founding of the United States to seperate Church from State? I will not say that I'm atheist as well, however I would like to point out that there's nothing wrong with being spiritual but I do admit that I have to balk at the notion of religion since I see it as an institutionalized sort of entity. Personally people should have the right to express what they believe in as long as it's not fanatical to the point where it's harmful or offensive. As a good friend of mine said, we need people of spiritual fruits and not religious nuts. Quote
Doctor Steel Posted June 5, 2008 Posted June 5, 2008 A good example, ancient people believes that only God and Goddess have the abilities to fly. They don't think that we human can fly. but Wright brothers believe in the other, they believe that a piece of metal junk could bring us up in the sky. They BELIEVE it could happen, and they put their best on that. And so...... today we have planes. they believed that we couldnt fly yes, but they had no real concept of machinary. the wright bro's did get us in the air but using out side influence, machines. if we truly want to fly like a god it would be through our own will power with no outside influence, just our big 'ole brain. Ever heard of "deus ex machina (a god from the machine)"? I think that phrase was invented to describe just such an event (the Wright bro.s flying a hunk of canvas and the like) Quote
JcX Posted June 6, 2008 Posted June 6, 2008 i dont think we'd be able to fly unless we are in the right frame of mind. Its no use having power if you dont believe you can use it. Did i make sense? That makes sense to me. Actually from some movie, I realise that actually, all of us might be having some sorta supernatural power, but just that we don't realise it and don't know how to "activate" the power source and use it. (Well... maybe I've been influenced by the sci-fi movies I've watched) But something was true, each of us shares something common - We have something ability that uniquely belongs to us. It could have be something extraordinary, or just something simply greater than others. But we human don't realise it or, if we did, we're not appreciating it and fully utilize it. So I'm trying my best to understand myself and discover the unique ability I have... and I guess.... it would be fast-learning and quite good memory. (not bad huh?) Quote
zippo Posted June 15, 2008 Posted June 15, 2008 The posts to the item on religious pressure are interesting and show all kinds of views and opinions towards religion. Most of the posts are made by people who themselves are not really religious. It's interesting to see that, despite their "atheist" opinions, these people all agree about a need for spiritality. It seems the belief in a "God" is not necessary to proceed in everyday life. Most people also express a need for tolerance towards all kinds of beliefs or philosophical opinions. I think this is very encouraging. Quote
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