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Dogpile's good for music. And most content blockers these days nail all the proxies. I try to open up something in altavista translator and I get "Blocked, under section 'Proxy Avoidance'"


I remember when I was in Elementary School, they made us use either Dogpile or Ask Jeeves...


Coincidentally, I don't care for either of them now ;).



- ArceRC

- Van

I remember when I was in Elementary School, they made us use either Dogpile or Ask Jeeves...


Coincidentally, I don't care for either of them now ;).



- ArceRC

- Van

Hey, same here! XD Ask Jeeves isn't very nifty at all.


Google FTW

The only thing Google can't do is look for music... unless I'm wrong?


Google does everything I want to search for, and does it better than most site's internal searches. I'll be stickin' with Google for a while, I think. (...but watch out! Google knows what you are doing. Google is watching you...)

  • 4 weeks later...

Yea google is right now the best search engine, in my opinion ;). I don't need dogpile comparing yahoo and google, when I already know google's results are much better. I like the l33t google it looks cool.


For all of those who didn't know this,

if you go to google.com, and type in google l33t, and click on "I'm feeling lucky" you'll get google's h4x0r version. :D


  • 1 month later...

Yeah, not such a fan. I like the idea, but the extra letter of typing is too much work. ^_^


You think I'm kidding. I guess I'm just so used to google... Those six little keys plus a CTRL->ENTER are hardwired into my brain whenever I need to "find" something.


Which makes for some interesting real-world situations. :P


forgive me, but that thing sucks, google is better, and help a lot the free software (?)


I always found what I want if I google it.


but thank u for the info =P

  • 2 months later...

all note it now..


y we like google then others..


because google intro page is very small and simple ..

all a user wants to have fast searches but others places much ads which iritates users..



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