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Try creating your .war file with a name like mlepage_blog.war. Sometimes people's .war files don't deploy correctly because our system prepends your username to the beginning of the file before deploying it. If we didn't do that if person A deployed blog.war and then person B deployed blog.war it would overwrite the first deployment.


Thanks admin,


I have done what you proposed. I have removed the old war (Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT) and added a new one (mlepage_blog) yesterday.


Today the deployment is still pending and the old website is still available at http://lepage.heliohost.org/Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/ where I still have the problems with not accepted cookies.


The new website http://lepage.heliohost.org/mlepage_blog is still not available.


Could you please remove the old deployment of Blogging-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war manually and have a look why the new deployment is still pending?


Could you please tell me if the server context.xml has the flag httponly set to "true or do you think that your proxy change solved the issue?


Many thanks.


have a look why the new deployment is still pending?

The extremely conservative settings that we have on this beta feature had not been met yet. That's why we say it could take several hours

Please be aware that this system is still in testing and for now the deployment may take several hours to complete, but once the system is more fully tested we expect the deployment time to decrease considerably.

Anyways, it looks like the message about cookies is gone, right? http://lepage.heliohost.org/mlepage_blog/#!login

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