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[Solved] Account Still In Qeued !


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That domain doesn't seem to resolve for me

# ping simxxxxx.agni.lindenlab.com
ping: simxxxxx.agni.lindenlab.com: Name or service not known

# host simxxxxx.agni.lindenlab.com
Host simxxxxx.agni.lindenlab.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
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i have test is works for a moment yes but if the url changed then still not worked


so it works with the actually url begins with http://sim10105.agni.........


but if url changed the number changed too so i say thats not static only static variable is the port


for examble the next new url can changed in http://sim10456.agni......... (only examble not valid url yet)

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Is it possible to edit the cPanel page to show the information we always end up posting?




All three servers show the recommended SFTP settings right at the top of the ftp page in cpanel now.

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