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[Solved] Addon Domain Don't Show Domain


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Hello Krydos,

First I deleted subdomain and see error "There was a problem removing the subdomain “abayaworld.daly.cf”.

[A fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive.]

", but look like deletion was successful.

After that I re-added abayaworld.cf and got back error "The adminbin “park” in the “Cpanel” namespace call to function “ADD” ended prematurely: The subprocess ended prematurely because it received the “ALRM” (14) signal. [A fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive.]", but look like it was still OK.


My problem has been resolved, but above infomation can help you optimize more. Thanks so much.

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My problem has been resolved, but above infomation can help you optimize more.

You picked the Johnny server, that's why you see so many errors. The solution to all these errors is to reduce the number of users on Johnny and reduce the load that Johnny experiences. The reason Johnny has so many users is because our service is very popular, but we don't have enough servers to properly support everyone that wants to create an account. The reason Johnny's load is so high is because there are way too many users on that server.


If you want to be able to add and delete domains without errors we recommend moving your account to one of our production servers like Ricky or Tommy.

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