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Hi, I would like to sync my folder content between my computer and the hosting via lftp (i belive rsync doesn't work on hosting)


ok to login but got the following error when I would change the directory like cd, ls or other commands:


lftp ftpuser3@philiptest.usa.cc@ftp.philip1.heliohost.org:~> mirror -R
mirror: Fatal error: Certificate verification: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name ‘ftp.philip1.heliohost.org’
then I make some changes in my lftp.conf in /etc directory in my computer by adding the following command in the config file:


set ssl:check-hostname no


then it seems can login but another error comes out
lftp ftpuser3@philiptest.usa.cc@ftp.philip1.heliohost.org:~> ls
ls: ls: Login failed: 530 Login authentication failed


any ideas?





problem solved


by adding the following 2 lines into the lftp.conf file:


set ssl:verify-certificate no
set ftp:ssl-allow off



Sorry about that.



If you have any questions or if you need help anything, feel free to post it on the forums.


Marking this Thread as Solved.


Fatal error: Certificate verification: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name ‘ftp.philip1.heliohost.org’

The certificate common name is tommy.heliohost.org. Just connect to that domain instead of ftp.philip1.heliohost.org and you should be able to use SSL.

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