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I was watching my local news and they said that that earth is some like 500,000 behind our they probably aren't as intelligent as us. That solar system still has to grow. ALL solar systems have to start out small then they get bigger then they shrink into a black hole if I'm not mistaking.

  • 1 month later...
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WHAT THE HELL. you really need to learn your science. lol next thing you say is going to be 2 + 2 = 2154adef254f5

First off there is a highly improbable chance that their is life on that planet. The planet is just the only other planet, outside of our solar system, that we have found to be about the size of the Earth, and approximately the same distance for the the star as the gas planet judging by it's size and density.

Second, solar systems do not turn into black wholes, stars do. If a star is really large it goes through many phases( i don't feel like going through them all) and in the end it's own gravitational full is so great that it breaks the repelling of the atoms, and condenses infinitely. To learn more use google.




Just want to say that Earth is the only habitable planet in OUR solar system as the Sun is so hot that anything to close is to hot and anything to far is to cold for us to live on, once mars was the only habitable planet until the Sun had had a burst of energy and got hotter moving the habitable region to us.


First of all to get to it will take a long long long long long time. lol :D


Its 20 light years away. Pretty far away if you ask me, lol.


But it might be possible. ;)


The only way that the planet would be made would be through a particle accellerater... oh well lets just give it up and become like the lizards.

  karath said:
The only way that the planet would be made would be through a particle accellerater... oh well lets just give it up and become like the lizards.

Where do you people come up with these remarks? They are totally out of whack. a planet wouldn't be made out of a particle 'accelerator,' like we wouldn't make an apple by clumping atoms together to for the cells. We would simply impose the settings in which it would naturally occur. It's like cloning, we don't "make" the cell, we just force the cell to make one for us. We make the setting just so, so that nature runs it's course and does it for us.

Any ways, we do not know of any 'habitable' planet in the universe other than ours. We think that their may be ones close, but we are not sure. But who is to say what is habitable and what is not, we have found plants that don't use the sun for energy, and animals in some of the most inhabitable areas in the entire world. We are quite ignorant when it comes to the universe, though I would really like to find life on another planet.


P.S. How does a particle accelerator have anything to do with the formation of a planet?

  • 2 weeks later...

That planet there could well have life on it. It's within the range of distance from its sun to hold life, and personally, I think that it holds life.


Look at it this way: We can't be the only intelligent beings in the universe. Even if this "new Earth" doesn't have "intelligent" life, it's probably well on its way to evolving it.


It's arrogant to think that human beings are the only life in the universe.

  Harlequin said:
It's arrogant to think that human beings are the only life in the universe.

Thank you! It's always bothered me when people suggested that it's impossible for other planets to support life.


Anyways, this excites me so much! I hadn't seen this article before so I'm really hopeful that signs of life will be discovered. Any kind of life, I don't care if it's not intelligent.


As for inhabiting Mars, I don't think it's impossible to set up a few colonies there, but terraforming it would take a long time and I'm not sure it would be possible. As for transporting the entire population of Earth there, that would be impossible. Like was said before, we're barely squeezing onto this planet but you overestimate the size of Mars. Mars' total surface area is just under the amount of dry land on Earth. That means, with water (if terraforming is possible), we would have less room. Another problem with Mars is that the planetary dynamo ceased function. Basically, Mars isn't just dead on the outside. The core has probably cooled to the point of nearly, if not entirely, hardening. No plate tectonics, no magnetic field (which is vital for the navigation in animals like birds and also protecting the life on the surface from radiation), and no active volcanoes or the like.


Well, that's enough of my pessimism. XD

  • 1 month later...

A very interesting idea ofcourse

scienctists are looking at this very closely

i personally when the sun dies would go there but too far to travel

we might get invaded even if ther are life forms

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well There Is A Possibility That Extraterrestrial Will Exist But This Is'nt The Only Planet To Sustain Life, Space Is Infinite Keep On Going It Will Never End Which Is Predicted But To Get To That Life Like Planet You Will Need An Hyperdrive Or Anything Which Can Travel Fast Throught Time And Space, It Is Most Impossible For Any Technology At The Moment To Reach That Planet


We still aren't done looking in our own solar system. We know that there isn't macromolecule life on mars, though we have found remains of ancient bacteria on Martian rocks. But if we really want to look for life we need to be checking out the moons of saturn, such as titan. Titan has an atmosphere similar to the early earths, as well as hydrocarbon minerals which are essential for making amino acids.


The idea that there are no other lifeforms out there is just retarded. Though I'm not saying that they are advanced.... as in a sense of quantum computers and such. When scientists say "advanced" they mean something like a rat, fish, etc. The probability that we will find a super advanced civilization is slim to none, however the probability that we will find simple life forms is substantially high.

  • 2 weeks later...

Y'know, I bet there are people there, and they are probably on a forum like this talking about our planet, thats the strange thing out there, are there really things out there... I believe so, I believe its possible.


Well I used to think the same thing, but after a long bit of thought, I came to think they would be quite different to us. We really take "normal" as a relative term. We are accustomed to the things that have been invented in the past. All of those things are based on things invented before that. I bet that they have technology that is totally different than ours. For example we found steel, and then began to use it to support massive forces. We don't think of anything else, what if they never discovered steel, but instead discovered a different material, that withstood massive forces, yet had different properties. Then their technology would branch off from ours at that simple point. Who knows how many different paths we could have taken.

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