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Odbc Connection To Mysql Database -> Database Not Shown


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I'm developing a Windows application that should exhange data with a remote mySQL database (hosted by heliohost).

Hereafter, my operations are reported:

- I've created a new mySQL database from the cPanel: DBxyz

- I've created a new mySQL account for the created database: USERxyz

- I've enabled remote connections from any IP address (I've used the wildcard %)

- I've configure the mySQL ODBC driver on my PC (I've used he MYSQL COnnector/ODBC Data source)


I've found issues on this last point. Connection with the server is established successfully but the only available database is information_schema. The datbaase DBxyz I've created is not present (see attachment).


Can anyone help me?


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Did you assign that user to the database you created? Also, try using your cpanel account as the database user to see if it works.


I've just tried to access using the cPanel account and it works.


Sorry, I was created the user without assigning it to the database. The procedure wasn't clear for me. Now it works fine even with the created user.



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