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Mysql Does Not Connect


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after the stevie mysql crash I deleted the user + database, recreated new user, and restored a backup. In phpmyAdmin the databse looks fine, but I still get database connection errors. the cpanel says my database is empty 0 B, but phpmyAdmin shows it ain't empty at all.. what is wrong? website dlf.heliohost.org

thanks for any help


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thanks for the quick answer. Yes, I reassigned the user to the database, and the password has been reset and changed. I can connect via PhpMyadmin and see the data, everything seems ok (Size = 1,5 Mb, correct username) but when I look in my Cpanel the size is 0.00 Mb. Only thing I can think of is that there is still an old empty copy of the database with the same name around somewhere, but I can't find where, and that this is the one used by website + Cpanel, and PhpMyadmin is connecting to the correct new one with the same name.

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If there was an old one, it wouldn't let you create the new one (I actually had this issue happen...I tried to drop one and it wouldn't let me make a new DB with the same name, Krydos had to drop it for me to get it to fully drop). Silly question, but did you use the same password on the new user? If you just used the password generator button, you need to edit the software's config file to make the passwords match.


Just for testing, try using your cPanel username and password as your database user. While not recommended from a security standpoint, it'll at least prove that the database itself is functional since that user always has access to all databases in your account.

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