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[Answered] So Whats Going On?


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I have had this problem alot recently but idk whats going on I keep getting Connection refused: my domain:80 I thought it was me so I redirected traffic to my github account since I right clicked my pages and view source and made a html copy of my phpbb forum but every one on Stevie seems to also have this issue I visited another site on Stevie and it did the same thing

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Stevie is working normally. It's possible you're blocked in the firewall, but I don't see the IP you posted from on the list. Are you able to log into cPanel?


What is your cPanel username, your main domain, and the affected domain (if different from the main domain)?

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Both domains work fine for me, so it's got to be on your end. Try clearing your cache and using another browser. If it still doesn't work, try another Internet connection (e.g. A cell phone using its data plan).


Let me know the results if you still have trouble.

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I got it fixed I was connected to my friends discord server thru my web browser and after I disconnected from it I had no more issues I have 3 web browsers Opera, Mozilla Firefox and steam has a web browser well only when your in a game moziila doesnt have the issue I can be on the discord server and browse my site fine no issues so it the Opera web browser that was giving me hell

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