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Internal Server Error(500) - Django Application

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I've moved this here hoping that someone else can answer this. I do know it works since I've seen others use it, but I'm a PHP programmer and just don't know how to set it up.


From what I've seen though, it is one of the more difficult things to make work here.


Maybe another support admin or system admin can help me. Server write error: mod_wsgi (pid=1286): Exception occurred processing WSGI script '/home /dispatch.wsgi'.


Did you set the permissions on the the folder named .python_egg_cache in your home directory to 777?


If that's not your problem, I can give you a working example of Django and you can go from there.




Unzip the file on your site and then edit the file djangotest/dispatch.wsgi like below:



os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings'
os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/home/ovt00/.python_egg_cache'


And it should work like this: http://area52.heliohost.org/djangotest/dispatch.wsgi




Thank you very much, example works, but .htaccess need put in the home directory( /home/ovt00/public_html ) and directory of project(/home/ovt00/public_html/djiangotest) and that I don't understand why. Next, default version of python is 2.7.1 and django is 1.3? How can I choice another python version?


Do not bump posts.


I'm not sure what features you refer to, but if it's a system-wide Administration function, it's likely disabled intentionally. If it's part of your program, your paths are likely wrong. (If you're working on Byron's demo, I wouldn't be surprised if the files are just missing since its a demo). As for python version, change your shebang line to specify the version you need:


Python versions and paths below are for Stevie users:

  • /usr/local/bin/python2.7
  • /usr/local/bin/python2.4
  • /usr/local/bin/python3.2


You would get better help with django itself on a programming board as opposed to here. Though we support other languages, most of us are PHP programmers. Also, have you considered developing in PHP instead? You'll find it a lot easier to get a PHP program running on our servers than a django/python one.

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