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Site File Protection


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I went through wiki, forums etc in order to find anything to this but not succeeding.


The question is how (assuming there is a way/ways) to protect site files such as images and files not to be copied/used by any third parties who may look at one`s page. This mainly reflects to a matter of abusing images being under copyrights.


Please, does anyone know something about this. Please, advice. Many thanks. With b´regards, Dadeesda

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I'm assuming the content is something like pictures posted on a public website. Visiting a site would make a visitor's browser download it to show it. At that point, they could just save the content file, so nothing you do on the server will matter. If you don't care about the general public not being able to view it, put the content behind a password wall or something so they can't access it without approval.


The best advice though: If you don't want it copied, don't publicly post it on the internet.

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Guest Marko30

For image/video files you can put watermark so everyone will know that is yours. You can do it like ShutterStock and Getty Images does it. Also, you can enable Hotlink Protection in cPanel to protect your files from embeding.


And the last, just like @wolstech said, if you don't want to be copied, don't post it on the internet.

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For image/video files you can put watermark so everyone will know that is yours. You can do it like ShutterStock and Getty Images does it. Also, you can enable Hotlink Protection in cPanel to protect your files from embeding.

Watermarks are about as good as you'll get. Even if you can't stop copying, you can at least get some credit where due.


Hotlink protection is only useful for the lazy and for cases where hosts have bandwidth restrictions (which we don't have). Nothing stopping someone from downloading and sticking it on imgur there.

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