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It could have been down.


See http://helionet.org/index/index.php?showtopic=77 for Helionet's uptime statistics.


Otherwise, it may have been because your account has not been validated yet, as I'm guessing you're on an Ads Standard plan.



my page is dol.heliohost.org

my ftp as described is ftp.dol.heliohost.org


I use the name and the pass but no luck now for 5 days?


Any suggestions? Please help...


I am able to log into my cpanel, but not log in to my ftp. Whenever i try to log in to ftp i get the following error:


[11:50:12] Resolving host name "cobra3k.heliohost.org"

[11:50:12] Connecting to Port: 21

[11:50:12] Connected to cobra3k.heliohost.org.

[11:50:13] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.

[11:50:13] Server closed connection


i'm using the log in details as follows:


address: ftp.cobra3k.heliohost.org or cobra3k.heliohost.org (neither works)

user: cobra3k

password: (like i'd actually say it :P)


any help would be appreciated :)

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