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[Answered] Hosting Question


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Hello, I just joined HelioHost. I have 3 questions.


Can do I request for free hosting disk space upgrade when i use 90% of it? I mean additional 50 MBs or something like that, is that possible? Or are there any other way to upgrade hosting for free for ex. posting in forums?


Can do i edit php.ini or php_values at .htaccess ?


Do you force ads on clients pages?



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You cannot get more space and cannot edit php.ini or override it. There are no upgrades of any kind either. For what its worth, we also limit email to 50/day and cron to 2 executions/day. You can also get suspended for using too many resources, though most won't have this issue unless they run stuff like proxies, rapidleech, or broken scripts.


Also, we don't put advertising of any kind on your site, just a banner in cPanel if I remember right. We're funded by donations and ad revenue from banners on our own sites, and support is all volunteer.

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