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I found a description of some "cant's" (like, no swearing, pornography, racism ...) but, wasn't able to a link describing more technical "cant's" (like max 3 crons jobs per day - which is what I did to get my account suspended). Can you point me to such a link? I wanna be a good citizen - appreciate the free service. :)





I must have missed it in all the excitement around getting my php scripts to work. :)

Are there other "limitations" that folks commonly run it to?


Note: Since posting my original comment, I've searched the forums & read about using setcronjob.com to work around the 2 cron job limit.


Thanks guys.


Might have missed this question from above - Are there other "limitations" that folks commonly run it to?

I wanna make sure I don't mess up as I develop the scripts further - e.g. add database, email ...

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