dlaroche Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 My account is all messed up. If you go to my registered domain: larocheent.ml I get taken to the Johnny cPanel login. I registered to use the Stevie server, but get redirected to Johnny. I have FTP'ed concrete5 files to my directory, because Softaculous couldn't connect to the MySQL server, but when I visit my URL I get a heliohost default page. When I try to add an Add-on domain: coyotebuddy.ml I get an error saying that it already exist, however, it is not showing in the list. Quote
wolstech Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 Please clear your cache and check larocheent.ml again, I see the install wizard for concrete5. As for the coyotebuddy.ml...check under the Subdomains section of cPanel for any subdomains related to coyotebuddy and remove them if found. If not, post back and I'll escalate it. Quote
dlaroche Posted January 22, 2015 Author Posted January 22, 2015 Thank you for your assistance. I am now able to see the install page, however, when it attempts to install. I get an error saying that it lost connection with the MySQL server. Below is the error I am receiving. An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TABLE PageTypes (ptID INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, ptName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ptHandle VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL, ptPublishTargetTypeID INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, ptDefaultPageTemplateID INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, ptAllowedPageTemplates VARCHAR(1) DEFAULT 'A', ptIsInternal TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ptIsFrequentlyAdded TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, ptDisplayOrder INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, ptLaunchInComposer TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, pkgID INT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, ptPublishTargetObject LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX ptHandle (ptHandle), INDEX pkgID (pkgID, ptID), PRIMARY KEY(ptID)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB': SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query. Trace:#0 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Connection.php(811): Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException::driverExceptionDuringQuery(Object(PDOException), 'CREATE TABLE Pa...') #1 [internal function]: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->query('CREATE TABLE Pa...') #2 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Database/Connection/Connection.php(78): call_user_func_array('parent::query', Array) #3 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Package/Package.php(217): Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection->query('CREATE TABLE Pa...') #4 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Package/StartingPointPackage.php(190): Concrete\Core\Package\Package::installDB('/home1/dlaroche...') #5 [internal function]: Concrete\Core\Package\StartingPointPackage->install_database() #6 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/controllers/install.php(286): call_user_func(Array) #7 [internal function]: Concrete\Controller\Install->run_routine('elemental_full', 'install_databas...') #8 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Controller/AbstractController.php(156): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #9 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Routing/ControllerRouteCallback.php(25): Concrete\Core\Controller\AbstractController->runAction('run_routine', Array) #10 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Routing/Router.php(59): Concrete\Core\Routing\ControllerRouteCallback->execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Http\Request), Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #11 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Support/Facade/Facade.php(116): Concrete\Core\Routing\Router->execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #12 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Application/Application.php(342): Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Facade::__callStatic('execute', Array) #13 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/src/Application/Application.php(342): Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Route::execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #14 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/bootstrap/start.php(196): Concrete\Core\Application\Application->dispatch(Object(Concrete\Core\Http\Request)) #15 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/concrete/dispatcher.php(36): require('/home1/dlaroche...') #16 /home1/dlaroche/public_html/index.php(2): require('/home1/dlaroche...') #17 {main} Quote
wolstech Posted January 22, 2015 Posted January 22, 2015 That error means the software needs innodb, which we don't support due to server damage. You'll need to modify the installer to use myisam tables. (How you do that varies, by program, you'd be better asking that on a board for concrete5 users). See http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18875-stevie-mysql-common-questions-and-problems/ for details Quote
dlaroche Posted January 22, 2015 Author Posted January 22, 2015 I thought that might be the issue after reading up on the subject. I have just made a static website that I have uploaded to the server, however, when viewing either larocheent.ml or coyotebuddy.ml I get helios default page with a button that will allow me to login to the cpanel. When I click the button it takes me to the Johnny cPanel login page again. It should be taking me to the Stevie cPanel. Also, I am no longer able to see larocheent.ml like yesterday. Quote
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