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[Solved] Remote Mysql Connection Not Working Correctly

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I just registered an account on server johnny. (cPanel login: tab)


I created a db and a user. Added the user to the db. Enabled the remote login from "%" hosts.

I've tested the connection from an other host with php, it works fine. So it seems the remote access is really enabled.


But when I try to connect to the db from my Delphi app (using the same host name, user, password and db name as in php) it gives an error message "Server does not exist or access denied".


I just give an other try from Excel, but same issue...


Any idea what can be wrong?





It sounds like your network or PC is to blame. Do you have a firewall on your PC other than Windows Firewall? If so, turn it off. Check your router as well (if applicable).


Are you on an enterprise network? If this is the case, you'll need to talk to your IT department and see if they are blocking it. Many company networks block outbound access to non-web ports to prevent the use of outside services for security reasons.


It's not likely to be on our end if you whitelisted % and another web host is able to connect to your databases without issue. If our firewall was blocking you, you wouldn't be able to access your website or cpanel.


Thanks, these were my first thoughts as well and tried most of them.


I'm on a simple home network now. (cablenet -> modem -> router)


Yes, on my PC there is an additional firewall, but I tried to connect from another PC also where there is only Windows firewall. Not helped.

To be sure if not the router causing the issue I connected to my mobile's hotspot, same problem.


I'm really out of ideas.


Have you tried using a different program (e.g. MySQL workbench) to access them? It's possible that the program you're using is incompatible or poorly coded. I have one that won't access DBs here. Java app in my case though (JDBC driver says it can't find the server...)


I'd suggest ISP as well, but you already tried that with the mobile hotspot.


That's odd. It works from some other hosting company, but two different ISPs and multiple devices of yours don't work at all. Are you using the correct host and credentials?


It should be:


Host: johnny.heliohost.org / stevie.heliohost.org depending on server (don't use your domain name!)

Username: (cP username)

Password: (cP Password)


A DB user you create in cP should work as well, but your cP username will let you access all DBs in your account. I'd recommend you get it working first with the cP account before using an added user.


Are you sure you have the remote mysql enabled correctly? It sounds like it already is, but to verify: The only access host that should be listed should be a single % sign. There should be no quotes, no IPs, nothing else in that row. Also, there should be no other hosts in the list.


Other than that, I'm out of ideas. Perhaps somebody else here knows what might be the issue. If you want I can escalate it, but it might take some time for Krydos to look at it since it's not a major/server-wide issue.




I've downloaded MySQL workbench and it works fine.

After that success I tried another Delphi component and that can connect too!


Why the others are not working I don't know, but don't care anymore. The goal was to reach the db from Delphi.


Thanks for your support and the tip for MySQL workbench.

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