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Hi, as you may or may not know the service called Cloudflare has recently added free SSL for their users. I would like to benefit from this along with the use of Heliohost, the problem with that is both Heliohost and Cloudflare require you to point your custom domain's NS servers to their own NS servers. I managed to get the root domain working but my eMail and subdomains broke, if someone could help me that would be great!





Server: Stevie

Main domain: portalblock.heliohost.org


The heliohost.org subdomains don't support cloudflare.


For regular domains, set it up with us normally first (point it to us, then add it as Addon or Parked domain). Once it starts to work (takes 24 hours or so), change the NS to cloudflare and add the Heliohost NS records to cloudflare after your domain has been added in cPanel.


If you use A records or CNAMEs, subdomains will not work right.

change the NS to cloudflare and add the Heliohost NS records to cloudflare


Sorry but how do I do this, I have not seen an option to do such.


Unless I am misunderstanding you this is actually possible to intergrate CF and Heliohost? I have seen some hosts have Cloudflare intergration directly in the cPanel interface, is this something that could be done for Heliohost?

I have seen some hosts have Cloudflare intergration directly in the cPanel interface, is this something that could be done for Heliohost?

We've been planning on that feature for a while. We were approved for the partner program needed for this integration, but Krydos never got around to installing the cPanel extension needed to add the button in the cPanel interface for some reason...


change the NS to cloudflare and add the Heliohost NS records to cloudflare
Sorry but how do I do this, I have not seen an option to do such.

I think you need to use cloudflare as a DNS provider.


Set up your domain with heliohost normally. After that, you reconfigure your domain at your registrar to point to cloudflare's name servers. In cloudflare's options, add NS records pointed to NS1.heliohost.org and NS2.heliohost.org.


Unfortunately, I cannot give specific instructions on this, as I have never set up Cloudflare myself. Someone else on here may be able to help more.


Ok thank you very much for your help. I will try this now.


@wolstech should the NS records be the only ones in my CloudFlare settings or do I also include the TXT for mail, etc?


The NS records should be sufficient. Our servers usually provide all the other ones you need. If you find it doesn't work, you can always add them later.


If you want to use cloudflare on your own domain, create an account there and choose the option to add a new website.

It will walk you through it.

If your domain is already pointing to heliohost, cloudflare will detect the A record. If not, the next screen will give you the option to manually add it. Use the IP in heliohost cpanel.


It will ask you to point your domain to cloudflare free dns and it will then show you a screen where you can add A Records, MX records, CNAMEs, etc...

Go to your registrar's website and change the NS records.

Keep in mind this means cloudflare is now managing ALL your dns records so the ones you have on heliohost cpanel will need to be manually copied over to cloudflare dns settings.

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Ok I have CF managing everything now and the domain added to the cPanel, but when I go to the domain it is saying "Account Queued" even though my main domain (heliohost subdomain) is working fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


EDIT: Account Queued error is gone, I will try the Cloudflare setup as soon as I have a bit more time.

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