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Hi it seems MySQL on stevie keeps going down everyday please fix it. and also inodb doesent work at all trying to create tables using mediawiki built in installer and says error so I have to use the table.sql manualy and it creates it in the default MySQL table. please fix it.


This has been a known issue since February. There is no fix expected in the near future as far as I know. Your only choices are to use myisam tables and tolerate the downtime, switch to Johnny, which has working innodb but the downtime is even worse, or find a separate MySQL host and use that instead of our database server, which will be stable and up, but noticeably slower.


http://www.helionet.org/index/topic/18875-stevie-mysql-common-questions-and-problems/ has info about modifying .sql files and using myisam tables. Mediawiki is also known to one of the more troublesome programs to run on our service (especially upgrades).


The problem isn't the server, it's the data. We could probably fix this quickly by just dropping everything that used innodb, but then users will complain they lost their data. Also, when it initially crashed, i don't think we were using a cpanel distribution of MySQL. Cpanel was upgraded at some point after the crash.


Db4free was the one I was going to recommend too.


No idea. You can always search on google.

But if I remember correctly (I may be mistaken), heliohost's limit is 250MB for mysql and 500MB total.

So it's not much different than 200MB.

Some scripts like drupal and mediawiki can also use postgresql.

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