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I cant accesss my website , from few days I am getting it, my domain is foreignofficers.tk


This webpage is not available







WHOIS Lookup information for this domain




Your selected domain name is a domain name that has been cancelled, suspended, refused or reserved at the Dot TK Registry.

Dot.tk canceled it for some reason. They do this to people for any number of random reasons, and often for no reason at all. Good luck finding out why, since they have essentially zero customer support. I've lost 3 of their domains, 2 for no apparent reason. I've since bought a normal .com and moved on.


They took back my main domain in June...that cost me a week of downtime and significant damage to several systems I'd built that relied upon the domain. I'm still fixing things two months later.


Long story short: You lost your domain. I'd recommend buying a domain from a normal registrar so this won't happen again.


Freenom and dot.tk are the same thing, so the same policies likely apply to all of those TLDs. I've never used cf/ml/ga though.


There aren't too many good free domain registrars left.


Interdot owns quite a few where you can get domains like yourdomain.de.lv. There's also eu.org which is nice, but is a pain to set up on a heliohost account because we only have one nameserver. Co.nr is still around as well, but last I checked they required personal info and everything was manually approved. Cu.cc is supposedly another choice, but they're always down when I check (maybe defunct?)

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