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[Solved] Unblock With 'mysqladmin Flush-Hosts'.


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I was trying to access remotely my DataBase, but I didn't entry the login/password correctly, so my account is blocked.


First question: How could I unblock this?


Host 'camila.intercorp.com.br' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'.


I have already putted my address in the list of allow hosts .


Second question: And what is the correct host: my own home page or the standard heliohost.org ??


Thanks a lot!



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Please post the following information:

  • Your cPanel username
  • Your main domain
  • The server that you are on


The host you use to connect to mysql remotely will depend on what server you are on. stevie.heliohost.org or johnny.heliohost.org

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